Cut off/Turning Inserts
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Suitable for Steel, Stainless steel and Cast Iron. Substrate grade binary (Wc & Co) with medium grain size combined with…
Multi grade to cut Steel, Stainless steel and Cast Iron Medium grain size combined with the medium CVD coated Medium…
Multi grade to cut Steel, Stainless steel and Cast Iron Medium grain size combined with the medium PVD coated Medium…
Multi grade to cut Steel, Stainless steel and cast iron CVD coated Thickness : 3mm(0.118") Suitable for medium to roughing…
For part-off of Steel and general purpose Medium grain size combined with the medium CVD coated Medium to heavy cut…
Multi grade to cut Steel, Stainless steel and cast iron CVD coated Thickness : 4mm(0.157") Suitable for medium to roughing…
Suitable for Steel, Stainless Steel, Cast Iron Super alloys. Substrate grade binary (Wc & Co) with medium grain size combined…
Suitable for Steel, Stainless steel and cast iron. Substrate grade binary (Wc & Co) with medium grain size combined with…
Suitable for Steel, Stainless steel and Cast Iron. Substrate grade binary (Wc & Co) with medium grain size combined with…
PVD Coated Part-off Insert 3mm Multi-grade OP1315 for parting off Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminum For interrupted cuts at medium to…
Substrate grade binary (Wc & Co) with medium grain size combined with the medium temperature CVD coating. Suitable for heavy…